We’ve been mighty busy these past weeks. We played June 4th at Bottom of The Hill in SF, and we were preparing like madmen for our set. Thanks to everyone who came out to the show. It was truly an amazing experience. I’m glad that we were able to see so many familiar faces. And some new ones too!
Mostly though, I’ve been working on the Zine, a new format and trying to hone a good formula for getting it out to you all as fast as possible, and on a much more consistent basis. It’s looking like we’re going to move onto a downloadable PDF format for the initial releases, but with some physical copy options. Due to the time intensity, and massive cost to put out issue one of Get The Lead Out, doing a digital version is much easier on our part, and will make sure that you get a copy intact and undamaged. It also means we can upgrade to color, which is something I ideally intended. More importantly it keeps us from charging you, the reader, a shipping and printing fee for every issue. Unfortunately my attempts at seducing Donald Trump failed miserably at last years “BigWig Winter Ball”, so we are still a poor indie band…. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be physical copies though.
The first physical option is purely a CD with the PDF enclosed, along with any digital goodies we dream up for that release. Could be videos, could be demos, could be cover songs. Who knows. That remains to be seen. Either way, it will include a lot of digital goodness. This also means you only pay a couple dollars for shipping. The second option is a fully printed version (exactly like issue number one) which will include the aforementioned CD. This will run you something like $5 in total for both the CD and Zine.
The final and super mega-Zord Option is the digital publication booklet. This will run through something like Lulu.com, and will be a full color, high grade paper, saddle stitched booklet. The price will be close to $10 per issue, but will give you a sturdy high quality version if you’re more of a collector.
Initially we are going to just do PDF format until we can get the physical copies situated and easy to access. I don’t want to make people jump through hoops to get the Zine. In this digital age, we want to give our fans and well wishers something physical beyond just our music. It’s a huge passion for us, and even if it takes us a couple months, we’re going to make sure we achieve something that is special every time.
And lastly, we are working on the official Picture Atlantic logo. Already it is blowing my socks off, and once it is released, we will be making new stickers available with our logo. There is already an idea floating around about Picture Atlantic sow on badges. Fingers crossed.
Be well everyone,
-N,R, & B