Sometimes, we get asked questions. And sometimes we don’t have a place to answer them in an official capacity. This is now that place. Welcome to the first installment of Question Corner. I decided to create this little forum so any of you can…

Sometimes, we get asked questions. And sometimes we don’t have a place to answer them in an official capacity. This is now that place. Welcome to the first installment of Question Corner. I decided to create this little forum so any of you can shoot us a question (Via Twitter, Facebook , or Tumblr) and then we can answer it. So enjoy this first question, which we received as a Facebook wall post.

Adrian Discipulo Asked Via Facebook:

Always wondered; where does your guys’s Mod influence come from? It never donned on me until I saw Nik bought a fisthail parka from the surplus I work at, haha.

Well Adrian, This is a good question. I am going to have to sort of blame Ryan for this one. Maybe ‘blame’ isn’t the right word, but this Mod genesis really started with him honestly.

Growing up, Ryan and I would always talk about how cool it would be to wear fitted suits, ride around on vespas, and genuinely be suave dad-guys. We had no idea about Modernism at all, at this time. We just liked the way those things looked aesthetically and we kind of clumped them all together. 

Time went on though, and Ryan (who’s mother was a sweet college DJ and exposed Ryan to all kinds of hip music) began to tell me about this band, The Jam. As many people know , The Jam was a late 70’s, early 80’s, New Wave band from England, which was fronted by ‘The Modfather’ Paul Weller. They essentially single-handedly helped spark The Mod Revival of the late 70’s/Early 80’s. Ryan exposed me to a lot of their music, and because of that I decided to check out what this Mod thing was all about; and it blew my mind. It all fit for me like a Jigsaw puzzle for people with cataracts: easily. Really from there it was Mod all the way. 

In a greater response to your question though, the reality is that we are not a ‘Mod band’ in the sense of the word. Let me clarify. There are a lot of ‘Mod bands’ out there who essentially either sound like rip offs of The Jam, or The Who, The Small Faces, or some other Mod affiliated musical act, and who dress Mod and essentially use every angle or ounce of energy in their band to be..well..Mod. They push it as though if you are a Mod, you have to only play 60’s revival music to be in a band. Not the case at all with us. We like to dress classy and sharp, and that is where the Mod thing comes into play.

And also, your Army Surplus store is amazing. The only place I CAN find a fishtail Parka without paying $100 online. In fact, they are so rare, your boss offered to buy the parka I was wearing right off my back since he said he had someone waiting who would pay big money. Great store. People should check it out for all their Army Surpus Needs - The Mountain View Army Surplus.