Hello tumblrers and tweepsters,
We’re in the market for a new shirt design and since you’re all such creative creatures we’d like your help. There isn’t a specific theme here, as we’re interested in what you would personally like to see on our shirts. However, we do ask that you keep your designs limited to black and white only. You don’t have to be incredibly proficient at Photoshop, either, so feel free to submit scanned, hand drawn art as well.
In addition to receiving recognition for your winning design, you’ll also win:
- one shirt of each color pressed
- a pair of tickets to our June 4th show at Bottom of the Hill
- a two-page section in our zine to share any art or writings of your choice
Email your submissions to pictureatlantic@gmail.com with “SHIRT DESIGN” in the subject line. The final date to submit a design is April 25. If your design is chosen and it needs any alterations or editing (such as converting a scan into a higher res and/or properly formatted piece) we will work with you to finalize it.
We’re looking forward to seeing your submissions!