Join The Wolfpack: DayZ


As most of you know, surviving the Zombie apocalypse is not an easy task. Anyone who has been watching the Walking Dead knows that it requires pushing yourself to the limit of your sanity, physical abilities, and cunning. It can, in some cases, also push your graphics card to the brink of its capabilities.

This has certainly been the case for the band the past couple weeks, as we’ve been playing DayZ. For those who don’t know what DayZ is, it’s a mod for the PC game Arma II, a realistic tactical/strategic first person shooter. In the modification, you and other players scour the fictional Eastern European country of Chernarus, a massive 225 Km ² map, attempting to survive an unexplained zombie apocalypse. In the game, you traverse wilderness, abandoned cities, and military bases in the search for food, supplies, and safety. Along the way, you have to battle packs of the living dead, who want nothing more than to turn you into a snack. To make matters worse, you have all kinds of other players whose morality remains questionable at best, which also leads to the potential of being robbed, or even worse, killed for your food and supplies by the more dodgy citizens of Chernarus



Picture Atlantic and Zombies goes way back. We love zombies. As some of you know, our music video for our song ‘Guerilla’ was a zombie apocalypse themed video, and we also had the chance this year to play Zombie-O-Rama in downtown San Jose. Picture Atlantic and video games also go way back too. We are avid gamers, and love to jam on a new game together. The two are a match made in heaven.

I’ve branded our ragtag group of survivors The Wolfpack, after our band logo. But I’m also extending an invitation to anyone who wants to survive the wasteland of the undead with us by joining us in-game. The game is a great social experience, and in the words of my friend, and fellow Wolfpack member Adi :“the most fun I’ve had playing a video game in years”.


How can you get connected to The Wolfpack?

Contact us through e-mail at  with the header “Joining The Wolfpack”, and we will be in touch about how to join in on our adventures.

We look forward to hearing from some of you! If you’re a gamer such as we are, then definitely considering hitting us up and taking part in the end of the world!

