Inner Coward

Hanging out playing Deadspace 2 with Brian. Terrifying. Don’t think I’ve screamed this much in a long time.

Thank you to everyone who came out to our show on Friday. We had a great time, and it was great playing a show with friends. There is definitely some good things growing and moving in San Jose. Keep your eyes out for it.

Just did some demos with our producer Aaron up in Oakland. I Realllyyy wish I could share them with you all, because I am loving the direction they are taking, but sadly, until they are at a place where I won’t be embarrassed about their lack-luster quality, we are going to keep them in the vault.

I’m working on some great stuff too, with our friend Paul Aspuria (who directed our Cassandra Castaway and Guerrilla music videos) and once that gets rolling I’ll be sharing more details with you all.

Until then, I’ll be screaming. Much love.
