We finally got back into the bay from our little trip out of town, last night. I have to say it was quite an adventure. Thursday we played a free in-store set at Rasputin Music in Campbell, which was heaps of fun. Being that close to the crowd (physically and as friends) made it a special evening.Especially making In N Out close with my stomach afterwards.
Friday we visited lovely Turlock, whom we have had a love affair with since around 2007. What can I say about Turlock! It’s always a welcoming place. Saturday, our good friend Josh White of WNDRWORKS invited us to a fancy shmancy Hollywood pool party. We made a lot of friends, due to the fact that Vincent destroyed every single person there at the Ping Pong table. If you can’t tell, I was being sarcastic about making friends. He actually enraged a couple people. It was cool though, we had his back.
Lastly, we got to play the wonderful CAMERATA at Hemingway’s Lounge in Hollywood. Any of you who have seen us in Hollywood know that event as Cinespace. It was a great time, and the bar we played in was set up to look like a Library/Writers hideaway of sorts. Truly fantastic.
Thanks to all of you who came out. It was a blast, and it was good chatting with those of you who came up after our sets. We’ll see you all very soon we hope! Sadly Brian is still sick so no guarantees if he will be playing the next couple shows with us, but I’m sure if you all leave wonderful comments on our Facebook page asking him to return to life, he will spring back into action and play a Chopin piece inbetween songs at our next set.
Love you all,