Jeez. The shows have really been lining up lately.
Last night myself and Ryan headed out with some friends to Music in The Park in San Jose, to see one of our favorite bands, The English Beat. An added bonus was that our pals in Pantheon got to open up the show that night, and played a solid set. Congrats to them.
Right after we got to see some more friends play, at the I the Mighty and Rin Tin Tiger show. They both did a wonderful job, and as always killed it!
The more and more I head out to see shows and support local bands, the more and more I see how important it is to be there to help the local scene and support bands that I dig. I say it all the time, and it’s even written on my guitar, but I truly believe that we should all “invest in quality music”. At this time in the music industry, you can’t expect Labels to make or break a band anymore. It’s really because of regular show goers and supports that bands get anywhere.
Please also check these local bay area bands out, and if you dig them, be a patron and help them out with some support at shows: