Dear Patron

I’ve been trying, fruitlessly, to put some thoughts together for a blog post the last couple weeks, because surprisingly there were some thoughts that seemed to be cool to share here. Instead, I will let my friend Kyle do the talking. My thoughts mostly had to do with Polonium 210 and people protesting Switchfoot concerts, but this struck a deeper chord in me as a musician.

Some of you may know Kyle Terizzi as The Plastic Arts. Kyle is a songwriter from the North Bay who I’ve had the pleasure of playing with, speaking with, watching, and in one case, teaching his songs to other people. 

Kyle has some really, really, really interesting things to say about where he is at personally with music,and his thoughts on the music industry, scene, community, and where he fits into that. Definitely read it. It’s worth the read. I’d also like to rep the release of his new website/project/awesome idea Dear Patron.

So that it’s disclosed, I don’t have the same, or similar day-to-day life with music that Kyle has, nor do I necessarily resonate with everything he has said in the article BUT I do think he is speaking a lot of truth , to a lot of subjects which musicians deal with. There is a lot of good stuff to walk away with  from this article, even as a music fan or show goer. It’s from a musicians perspective, but the facet that the music fan plays in this is apparent and relatable. 

Much love to you all
